Local Programs

Pesticide Container Recycling

We collect plastic pesticide containers year round at the county fairgrounds and reward producers with gift certificates for recycling 200 or more containers per year. In 2012 , we collected over 15,000 containers from 28 producers. Southampton County is the leader in the amount of containers collected in the state.

On Farm Variety Testing

This county includes over 93,000 acres of row crop production which is compromised of cotton, soybeans, wheat, corn, peanuts, sorghum, watermelons, and pumpkins. We are the state’s largest producer of cotton, peanuts, and watermelons in terms of acreage. We are in the top 5 in soybean acreage as well. Therefore, on farm variety testing is vital to our producers. This year, we have 3 cotton trials, a corn hybrid trial, a group 5 soybean test, and a grain sorghum variety trial.

ANR newsletter

In 2012, we sent out 16 newsletters to 134 producers. These newsletters contain timely production updates, upcoming events, and general commentary on the current issues facing our local producers.

Private Pesticide Applicators Recertification

We conduct two recertification courses annually that are held in December at the local agri-civic center.

Peanut Pod Blasting Clinics

We conduct peanut pod blasting clinics to determine optimum harvest timing for peanuts in order to maximize yields. These are held locally at various agri-chemical retailers.

Cotton/Peanut Awards Banquet

This is the grandest of all ANR events that is held in February of each year. The top peanut and cotton producers are awarded beautiful plaques and trophies for the best yields the previous season. The support of industry allows us to give away many coveted door prizes and provide our farmers and their families with a great evening filled with fine dining and fellowship. This event draws a crowd of close to 100 people annually.

Southampton County 4-H Program

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Southampton County 4-H Web Page. We will be listing links to other web sites we feel will be helpful to you and your 4-H'er, 4-H forms you may need throughout the year and we are going to have answers to some of the more frequently ask question the public has about 4-H. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for this web site.

Frequently asked questions about 4-H


My Project Publication


Southampton County also has clubs that meet year round for youth to participate in. These are:

Airfield Swamp shooters Livestock Club Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club




Additional Information

  • A county contest is held each February in which youth can participate in method demonstrations, photography, fine arts, arts & crafts, public speaking, illustrated talks, and much more.
  • 4-H Livestock Program and Show is held in conjunction with the Franklin/Southampton County Fair each August. Livestock participation is due in mid-June of each year and entries must be received at the Extension office at this time.
  • 4-H day camps are held throughout the year and summer.  Please see the newsletter for updates on what day camps are being held.

Engaging with Communities

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

Do you have a question about Community Viability?

Perhaps one of the Community Viability specialists below can help you. Contact a Community Viability specialist or direct a question to them using our Ask an Expertsystem. 

Community Viability Specialists